See Web Site for Due Date

ENGR 100 Rocket Poster Presentation

Group Assignment:

You are an elite rocket design team giving a poster presentation at an international conference for rocket engineers, researchers, and non-technical people interested in rockets.  The purpose of this presentation is to update the conference attendees about your rocket design and launch results.

Poster presentations are less formal than a talk.  Each team will be responsible for standing in front of their poster and describing their project.  Each team member needs to speak for approximately 1-2 minutes.Your team must be prepared to answer questions after your presentation.

Poster Content:

You are encouraged to be creative and keep your audience engaged.  As a result, the organization is flexible but there is a minimum amount of content you need to include (see below for details).  Your team goal is to “sound” like practicing engineers discussing both technical and non-technical information in a clear, accurate manner.

I.  Background

In an opening sentence address: Why did you do this experiment?  What problem were you trying to solve?  Why is this problem important?  Be creative for this part and make it sound "realistic" like something you might hear about on the t.v. news.  Also include the specific constraints for this project including scoring.

For the rest of this section, discuss rocket science concepts.  Some possible ideas that could go in this section are:

II.  Methods

In this section, explain how you collected rocket data.  There were four methods that could be used:

Also include a statement that addresses the relative accuracy for each method.

III. Data and Figures

The audience should have a good understanding of the two rockets that you built and what your goals were for each.

At a minimum you need to show tables summarizing the parts and total costs (when applicable), pictures of your rocket designs, and tables summarizing the results (predicted, altimeter and angle measured - when applicable) and your estimated score.  You may also include information collected by other teams in the class.

Hint – to include pictures of RockSim, simply hit “Print Screen” button on the keyboard, and then click the Start button, select “Accessories”, open “Paint”, and then Edit/Paste.

IV.  Conclusion

This section responds to the objectives laid out in the "Background" section.  You also need to summarize your findings in this section. And discuss further improvements if given a chance to do a re-redesign


This poster presentation will be graded on the following criteria (different categories may be weighted more).  

Criteria PTS Score Details
Get attention
Motivation - State problem - Why important
Methods/Data and Figures sections - see above
Restate main points and discuss further improvements
Poster Quality
Organization, clarity, size of text, Title, team member names, name of rocket
Time Limit
Should be 5:00 minutes (+/- 30 seconds)
Time Balance
Delivery - eye contact, speak clearly, loud enough